Friday, January 26, 2007

Douglas Wilson Wins Heretic of the Year Award

Earlier this week, Christianity Today declared Douglas Wilson, pastor of Christ Church, Moscow, the winner of their inaugural Heretic of the Year Award for his unique role in splitting Church of the King – Santa Cruz. When asked to comment, Wilson said, “Thank you very much; I worked hard to win this trophy. People don’t know the difficulties involved with sowing discord among brethren. It’s not as though I could take a chainsaw to the congregation as I did Brian Mclaren’s book.

“Hell, chopping a man to pieces on the worldwide web is a piece of cake, but engineering a church split from out of state requires cunning. I had to lie to Andrew Sandlin, telling him one thing, while I told the disgruntled members of the congregation another, and it’s hard remembering all of my lies sometimes. So I’m thankful for CT’s recognition of my achievement and I hope to bust up even more churches in 2007.

“And don’t think that I’m resting on my laurels either, because I am determined to oversee the dissolution of several marriages in my church to demonstrate that my divisiveness knows no boundaries. I wrote the book on Titus 3:10, it’s called A Serrated Edge.”

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