Friday, February 2, 2007

Blow This

We read with amazement this comment by Mark “blow your own” Horne, which he posted to The Heideblog:

Since Satan is the “accuser of the Brethren” and sowed discord by slander between God and man, I would think that his “one modus operandi” might be something else — something quite relevant to this blog.

Mr. Horneblower, if you don’t want to debate whether your head’s awkward proximity to you know where contributes to the stench emanating from Blow and Blowharder, then perhaps we can debate the peculiar circumstances that led to the church split at Church of the King–Santa Cruz. You know, like the two years that Doug “they won’t debate me ’cause I’m a liar” Wilson spent sowing discord among the brethren so that he could plunder the congregation and add another church to his denomination.

You can defend the actions of his highness, the Pope Mullah, using Federal Division sophistry, and we will condemn his behavior using the Scriptures, such as the texts you quoted.

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