Thursday, February 1, 2007

Blow Your Own Horne

Dr. R. Scott Clark hosts a blog called “The Heideblog,” which sounds more confessional for a professing Christian than playing off of the unclean hordes identified as “Gog and Magog,” but that’s for another post. Besides, based upon the objectivity of the covenant, i.e. the fruit of the Spirit, Wilson isn’t a Christian. But that too is for another post.

We simply want to call your attention to The Heideblog because of a remarkable phenomenon taking place there. It appears that Mark Horne’s head regularly impedes Dr. Clark’s foot while the honored professor strenuously endeavors to kick Doug Wilson’s ass.

Be that as it may, this awkward circumstance raises an interesting question: Does Pastor Mark give Pastor Doug flatulence when he blows his horn? We say yes. How else can you account for the increasing stench that emanates from Bilge and MoreBilge?

Therefore, we challenge Mark Horne to debate us on this subject; perhaps that will keep him from beating his chest and shouting, “My daddy Doug Wilson can beat you in a debate!”

Hey, Mark, pull your head out and blow your own horn!

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